Member Photos
Henry Ford revolutionized the way we travel from one place to another. The horse and buggy went by the wayside and automobiles soon replaced them as the standard method of transportation.
In October 1914, Henry Ford introduced the moving assembly line and began mass producing a product that most people could afford. By the end of its 19th year of production, more than 15 million Model T’s were built. Many of these cars are still on the road today, owned and driven by fellow T enthusiasts. The Cen-Tex Tin Lizzies Model T Ford Club members own a nice variety of these cars and travel in them on local and national tours
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1924 Fordor Sedan

1925 Roadster Pickup

1910 Speedster

1915 Speedster

1924 Runabout

1926 TT Truck

1912 Mother-in-Law Roadster

1924 Pickup

1927 Touring

1924 Touring

1915 Woodie

1913 Touring

1915 Touring

1924 Touring

1927 Depot Hack

1924 Touring

1923 TT Truck

1923 Touring

1923 TT

1921 Touring

No Model T Owned

1926 Roadster Pickup

1915 Coupelet

1923 Touring

1924 Roadster

1926 TT Truck

1916 Coupelet

1923 Fordor Sedan

1910 Touring

1926 Roadster

1924 Roadster
Honorary Lifetime Members:
Bennie Taylor Chambers – No Image Provided
Jo Ann Hearn – No Image Provided
Members with no images:
Sunya Alexander – 1926 Touring
HW/Margie Altenhoff – 1925 Coupe
Gary/Barbara Baker – 1921 Centerdoor Sedan
George Brunner – 1926 TT Truck
Carlton Carl – No Model T Owned
Debbie Cartwright – No Model T Owned
Andy Fish – 1924 Touring
Dennis/Kathryn Geesaman – 1923 Coupe / 1926 Tudor Sedan
Mitchell Gibbs – 1926 Touring
Alex Gillman – No Image Provided
Pat/Jill Goodson – 1927 TT
Ken Hardin – 1916 Touring
Tom/Peggy Romberg – 1923 Depot Hack
Don/Mary Ann Simmang – No Model T Owned