President’s Message 2024

November 2024

Cen-Tex Tin Lizzie Members,

How did it get to be Thursday before our November meeting so fast? I suppose it happened because we were all wound up in other things, like the election, where half of us were happy and half of us were sad, or maybe it was getting ready for and then attending opening weekend of deer season, or maybe it was all the athletic events, football, volleyball, sailing, and basketball. Maybe it was a drive or two in our Model Ts or was it repairing our Model Ts? Whatever it was it surely occupied us!

Well, now it is time for the November meeting and we have an election of our own to execute for our new set of officers. We have an opportunity to hear from Randy about how the T bug bit him. We have the opportunity to vote on changing our newsletter addressing. We can share stories of the Wheels and Wings tour which had a beautiful day in which to occur. I will be able to share stories about buying new wood hickory spokes for my ’21 Touring Car, sanding them, staining them, and varnishing them. You will have the opportunity to share your stories of your activities.

I am likely to share some of my adventures with Britanie’s T, which I volunteered to delve into to get it road worthy again.

You will have the opportunity to volunteer to be in charge of a tour or give a program or find a speaker that is interesting to you and get them signed up to share their story with us.

Maybe you have an idea how to attract others to our T hobby so that it will not die with us getting older. It’s your club and you have enjoyed the hobby. How can you share that fun and enthusiasm to give you satisfaction and help someone else enjoy it too? Think about it!

The plans and the details for the Christmas /December meeting are falling in place and we will be able to share them with you as well as perhaps read them in this newsletter.

I look forward to forward to seeing you Tuesday evening at our November 19 meeting. at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White Blvd. at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting and program.

Have Fun,
Tom Romberg,

October 2024

Cen-Tex Tin Lizzie Members,

Please remember that we moved the October meeting to Tuesday, October 22 to accommodate those attending the Texas T Party in Kerrville.

For those paying attention, the fall is a busy time for the antique car hobby participants. The weather is said to be cooling a little and tours are available all the time.

Quite obviously its election time in the United States. The ads are too numerous to count and the solicitations are also. My mother used to say that now is the silly season. Inform your selves from more than one source and vote for the candidates that you would have to supper or for whom you want to have their hands on the atom bomb buttons. Do make a plan and vote.

What have you done with your antique car this month? Richard Walker and his wife brought their T to the 100 year anniversary of the Lions Municipal Golf Course on the 3rd. There were also 12 Model As from the Austin and Georgetown clubs. It was a good celebration with dignitaries, a multiplane fly over with smoke trails by old aircraft, a flying banner being flown around the sky over the course, some good speechifying by the dignitaries and club members. Here is hoping that the club is preserved on into the future.

Richard’s car looks good and runs well. My 1921 named Patches did fine. I actually drove it from my home in West Lake Hills. The cars drove up a golf cart path from Lake Austin Boulevard, picked up the mayor and Lloyd Doggett for the last half of the short drive and then were directed to circle up around a putting green. The U.T. cannon “Old Smoky” fired once and then a youth band from Austin High played. It was a nice day.

We are headed to Kerrville on Tuesday with Patches in tow on the trailer. The last time we were there for this event we lost a crank shaft. Needless to say I hope that all goes well this time. At least the weather forecast of cool and dry looks good.

I have had a couple of mechanical successes to share lately and a nice addition to my garage drive way. On the Model A. I was able to repair the Aooga horn function by putting in new brushes. On the speedometer I was able to lube the head further and now it runs quietly. My grandson spear headed installing a concrete ramp on the side where the total drop was nearly 1 foot. That makes it very much safer and easier to walk in and out of as well as easier to drive on. We also put Hardie siding that was left over from the garage building project on the two open sides of the carport so it is now drier and will stay much cleaner.

The 7 deer feeders and the hog trap are all operating at my friend’s ranch outside of Lampasas. Last Saturday we caught and dispatched the 18th hog there since July 1st. A lot of firewood is cut, ready for the deer hunting events. Even was able to shred a good bit on the high weeds. So, we are ready. It’s been fun watching the animals on the trap camera.

I look forward to seeing you after the Texas T Party at our October 22 meeting, at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White Blvd. at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting and program.

Have Fun.

Tom Romberg

September 2024

Cen-Tex Tin Lizzie Members,

Well today I get to share some joy and also some somberness. It’s 9-11, which reminds us all of man’s inhumanity to mankind as well as the dedication and bravery of our public servants, particularly the firefighters who ran to the fires and those many that lost their lives in that tragedy.

As many or perhaps all of you know, I enjoy driving my antique cars. In driving them I discover things that need attention to improve or repair or even replace. Of course for those of you who do drive them, you know that there is always something that needs attention.

Such was the case with my Model A recently. I have long been “chasing” a yan, yeh, yeh noise in the car when it gets up to about 40 mph. Guessing, rather than properly diagnosing the problem, I pulled and rebuilt the transmission. The noise was still there. I eliminated engine noise by pushing in the clutch when at speed. Then I enlisted the aid of 29 year old grandson, Jackson Carter, to listen with a stethoscope while running the vehicle jacked up on stands. He identified the strongest sound from the point of the speedometer cable and the drive shaft. We disconnected the speedo cable and tested again and the sound went away. Removing the cable gear assembly there did not reveal anything definite, but I went ahead and replaced that assembly and the cable and sheath completely. Then test driving again there was no underneath noise, but the speedo head exhibited a new similar noise. Finally after removing and fussing with the speedo head 4 times, I watched a Paul Shinn video on just exactly servicing the speedo head. With new knowledge and confidence I was able to remove the drive gear cover on the speedo head and found dried up grease cake in the chamber, which of course was not surprising on this 95 year old assembly. After cleaning it out and adding new lite grease, it is working well and quietly. Long story, but I am happy with the results and in truth, with the process.

Joe Pinnelli reports a similar story with his 1927 Chevrolet which he is trying to make dependable and running well. I am delighted to report that his health has improved to the point that allowed him to crawl under the car and install an electric fuel pump recently, of course in his beautiful new shop garage in Martindale. He is properly proud of that accomplishment.

This month’s program is by Bill Records, who was George Bush’s official photographer for a while until he had to give it up to look after his father’s failing health. He is also an avid racing sailor on Lake Travis. We may have the projector situation sufficiently prepared for so that it can go smoothly. I believe that you will enjoy what he has to share.

The Texas T Party has several of us going to enjoy the fall driving, the wonderful other T people, the Texas Hill Country in the Kerrville area and seeing a giraffe or two at the Y O Ranch.

There is still time for you to make that decision and I have a few rooms at the headquarters hotel. Right now we have Joe Pinnelli, Rombergs, Bakers, Goodsons, Britanie, and Wayne Mims.

I look forward to seeing you at this month’s meeting pn Tuesday evening, September 17, at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White Blvd. at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting and program.

Have Fun,
Tom Romberg

August 2024

Cen-Tex Tin Lizzie Members,

********** ACTION NEEDED: **********
The Texas T Party is coming up in October. The deadline for entering is this month. DO IT NOW if you want to go.

You may remember that I have 10 rooms reserved at the base hotel in Kerrville. They are spoken for as Romberg, J.C Carter, Joe Pinnelli, John Anderson, Jan and Vic Donnell, Gary and Barb Baker, Wayne Mims, Randy and Jody Brown, Pat and Jill Goodson, and Britanie Olvera. I have been told that Steve and Kathy Witt are going, but do not need a room. I am pleased to have a good group of our members going. It should be a fun time. I am pleased that the emphasis is on driving our Model Ts.

I have not quite figured out how to release those rooms and let the individual members take over the rental of them, but we can do that in September. Obviously please let me know if you are not planning to go.

********** ACTION NEEDED: **********
To be able to have our officers covered by insurance by the Model T Ford Club of America a majority of our members need to be members of MTFCA. If you are a member, please give us your membership number. If you are not a member, I would encourage you to join to support the hobby, receive the magazine, and enjoy the articles and stories therein.

Neither Steve Hadorn nor I will be at the August meeting. Britanie has agreed to be in charge.

Randy Brown has agreed to be our program person for August and share his antique car story with us. Last month’s story of obtaining a partial Stanley Steamer and then searching for parts, researching the details, and then actually building it to become a functioning vehicle was quite interesting.

I have enjoyed (Ha, ha) working on obtaining a title for my Model A. We are about 3/4ths through the process to obtain a bonded title, which becomes clear in three years, FYI.

In the meantime I have enjoyed driving the 1921 to PT appointments for my knee and hardware and bank errands. Of course those trips have been in the mornings because it is too hot to drive an open car after noon.

Well, what has been going on in your Model T activity?

The hog trapping hobby has picked up on another ranch outside of Lampasas. We are up to 15 in the last two weeks.

It’s hot out there. Stay hydrated and in the shade or in the air conditioning. Heat stroke is no joke.

We still need interesting program ideas for future meetings. I just heard from Drew Patterson who is to be gone in October on his fourth trip to southeast Asia. I will encourage him to share his stories at a future meeting.

This month’s meeting is Tuesday evening, August 20, at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White for food, good company and conversations, and Randy Brown knowledge and stories.

Have Fun,

Tom Romberg

July 2024

Cen-Tex Tin Lizzie Members,

Well, what has been going on in your Model T activity? If it has been like mine the answer is, Not much. My grandson, Jackson Carter reported that while we were out of town, he wanted to take a ride in the 1923 Depot Hack, but he could not get it started. I asked him if he turned on the valve in the gas line just before the carburetor. Oh no, he remarked. He knew it was something simple. Lessons learned.

This month we get to hear about Stanley Steamers. It should be fascinating.

I can report that there is one less hog in the world on my friend’s ranch just outside of Marble Falls. After returning from our trip to Santa Fe and the mountains outside of Las Vegas, New Mexico for the week, where it was a beautiful 46 degrees last Sunday morning, I checked the photo records for the trap camera for the four days before. They showed that a hog had visited every day for four days. So, I woke up on Monday morning at 4:33, the time the feeder was set to go off, and looked at the latest photo. Sure enough the 136 pound boar was in the trap, so I quickly went to the trigger phone listing and hit it, which trapped the hog. Later that morning we went and did the needful to get rid of the hog and repair the bent trap gate . Fun times.

I went to the JP Court Monday morning in an effort to obtain a clear title order from the Judge. I received a lesson of knowledge that the Judge cannot in fact issue such an order. So my next effort is to visit the county Tax Assessor. I will let you know how that turns out. Cheers to Juan for the new roster. Have you made your reservation for the Texas T Party yet to join the 10 of us whom I hold reservations for at the motel?

Thanks to Joe Pinnelli for the Dave Barrett memory photos. Another interesting tidbit this week was finding out that an iPhone is sensitive to body heat and will sometimes try to first dial a number and then look for a password when the phone is in a shirt pocket. Finding none, it will then lockout to prevent hacking, for different periods. Putting the iPhone in the pocket with the glass face pointing away from the body can prevent the nuisance shut down. Its hot out there. Stay hydrated and in the shade or in the air conditioning. Heat stroke is no joke. We still need interesting program ideas for future meetings. I look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening, July 16, at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White for food, good company and conversations, and Stanley Steamer knowledge and stories.

Tom Romberg

June 2024

George’s ice cream social, Saturday morning, June 8th, is the fun activity. It is always fun to see all the items in the museum. This year will no doubt include the Depot Hack which is George and Todd’s latest project that I know about. It was good to see their beautiful early T Mother In Law at Henry’s birthday and Joe’s new beautiful garage for Henry. The tour in the morning went off without a hitch except for the leader (me) missing a turn. We rectified that successfully. Some were unhappy with the pace, which was necessary for the TT, but it was a pleasant drive.

It was good to hear from Gary about his family roots which helped him nurture the antique car hobby. This month we hear from Pat and Jill about paddling down rivers.

Next Saturday, June 15, we gather to remember Ken Harding, Jill’s father. It is interesting to think of that and also the 80th remembrance of D Day, with its message that Freedom isn’t free and Democracy continues to require effort to keep it. My use of Irontite to stop a radiator leak in our Depot Hack seems to have done the trick.

I continue to try and trap hogs at my friend’s ranch outside of Marble Falls. I had a big boar in the trap and went to the trap gate trigger on my phone only to discover that the subscription on the trigger phone line had run out. I have seen to it that it and the subscription on the camera are renewed for another year and await another visit to the trap by the boar that comes by nearly every night.

Another hobby activity we enjoyed was taking our 10 year old grandson to a Texas Sailing Association regatta at Seabrook this last weekend. He “ built character” in his sailing and is looking forward to the next regatta in July. Peggy and I are delighted that he enjoys it and spends time outside and not at a computer.

It was great to have Drew at the meeting in May having recovered to a great extent from his major back surgery. Joe is looking forward to a hip replacement this month and hopes that it will give him a lot of relief. Gary and Barb reported that their new to them lake house in East Texas escaped the flooding. The word is that Joyce is sewing a lot and would enjoy visits at her present living location.

Do you have an idea how to share our antique car hobby with anyone, especially younger folks? If so, please share it so that we might make some progress on that goal.

While you are thinking, do you have someone or something that you would like to hear more about for our programs at our meetings? Please share your ideas with me or with Britanie. I look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening, June 18, at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White.

Tom Romberg

May 2024

This month’s calendar has Henry’s Birthday Party this Saturday on the 18th and then following that the monthly meeting on Tuesday the 21st. The Birthday Party has an optional one hour drive at 10:00. Some may want to bring their “show” car and not drive. Others may want to drive a little and then park it and enjoy the festivities. Either way is fine.

This month Gary Baker will share his antique card history with us. Condolences to he and Barb for the East Texas flooding of their new property. I hope that it did not reach the house.

My activities this month have involved JB Steel weld on the ’21 block to finally stop the last of the water leaks and likewise on the “29 A to stop the gas tank leaks. Finally, those activities are complete and there is no evidence of leaks.

Another chore before hauling the ’21 to Martindale was the requirement to replace two rotten boards on the trailer deck. That required a telephone inquiry to the manufacturer to verify that yes indeed the boards were kept in place by a welded strap which would require cutting to replace the boards. Because the boards out gave easy access to the trailer wiring and the discovery that there are indeed electric brake assists, I found the plug wiring on line, checked all the connections and corrected some, and checked the rest of the wiring while it was accessible.

With two boards to replace that led to the decision to replace all of them followed by the decision to paint all of them, on all sides. Then there were two tires with rot cracks, so those got replaced. With the springs exposed, that led to lubricating all of them. So, now it is ready to go to Martindale and many miles more.

I competed the radiator fan shaft and bearings (actually bushings) replacement and lo and behold the fan belt is riding in the center of the fan drums. Yes, the front bushing was actually quite worn and even had a worn out shim in it also.

The carburetor accelerator butterfly arm was so loose that the control of the engine speed was sloppy so Snyder’s received another order. So now it is good to go.

To get ready for a small car show at a local church this Saturday, I looked after the 1923 Depot Hack so my grandson could do that while we are in Martindale. Got fuel at Rudy’s on 360 for only 3.08 a gallon (they must have changed their pricing lately because they used to be the highest around) and an upholstery master gave me his card to share with you. He said he has been doing it for 30 years.

What have you been doing with your Model T?

Drew Patterson is doing better and may make it to our meeting.

I look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening, May 21, at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White.

Tom Romberg

April 2024

Hello Cen-Tex Tin Lizzie Club members,

Tom Romberg

March 2024

Cen-Tex Tin Lizzie Members,

The fruit trees are blooming as are the bluebonnets. The trees except the pecans and the mesquites all have new leaves. My mother used to relate that you can’t fool a native Texan as the reason the pecans and the mesquites bloom later.

This month’s program, which you won’t want to miss, is George Brunner sharing his antique car history story. Some of you have heard it before. Some have lived a lot of it with him. I’m betting it will be interesting.

My 10 rooms for the Texas T party are now all spoken for. However, I bet that if you want to tag a room there is still time. Remember you can always cancel and it doesn’t cost any cash to tag one so that you can make up your mind later.
Our March 24 tour beginning in Marble Falls is coming up soon. We hope to have a flyer about it very soon.

It was fun to join with a few of the members to see the Hupp Mobile cars left at Joyce’s as well as the rest of the shop. Randy will no doubt give us a report about the present status of the cars. Gary picked up the remainder of his T parts. I was given a nonfunctioning electric stapler. Turns out the stop bumper rubber washers were melted after all these years in the hot barn. After spending some time trying to get it working again and seeing if Sears had the parts, I looked online only to discover that the parts are not available and venders have the exact unit, used, online, for less than $ 20.00. I had fun doing the repair and have used it without the rubber washers to do some repair to the top on the Model A.

A big hog showed up at the trap last night, so maybe if it comes back and maybe brings some friends, there will be another test of the trap. In the meantime, looking at the Tom turkeys strutting is sure beautiful.

There was an interesting supplement in the Sunday, March 10, section of the Austin American Statesman on the Ford Model T. It is a good read.

I received an interesting email about a fellow helping another for whom ill health has forced him to quit working on old cars. I will try to get it sent to all of you. Nice pictures and lots of cars and garage stuff.

I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday evening, March 19, at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White.

Tom Romberg

February 2024

CenTex Tin Lizzie Members,

Well, it is interesting to observe that I had a blossom or two on a pear tree in our yard a week ago. Obviously, it was premature, but it portends that spring is not too far away.
That means it’s time to go touring.

Our program this month is the postponed one from last month, Steve Witt sharing about his Santa Claus activities and old cars. It should be interesting.

Joe Pinnelli may be the opening act sharing about the status with his barndominium in Martindale.

There are other activities on the coming calendar.

A date for a one-day drive starting at the Home Depot in Marble Falls is set for March 24, a Sunday, to drive to Burnet on country roads, have a picnic lunch, and return.

A tentative date for Henry’s 100th Birthday Bash is May 4th in Martindale. It is also designed to show off Model Ts of all ages and may have some or many that are not ordinarily driven. Some significant publicity is being talked about as well as some fun cooking from Pat and Jill Goodson as well as Steve Witt.

The Mason overnight tour on April 12,13,14 is coming up. We may have more information yet to include with this meeting.

The 2024 Texas T Party information is now out on the Space City T web site I am told. The base hotel is The Inn of The Hills in Kerrville on October 16 through 19. I wanted a great group of us to attend and have taken the liberty to reserve 10 king bed ground floor rooms for us so far. If you would like to have your name on one of those rooms, please let me know. The rate is $109. I have reserved them for the 15th through the 19th so we can arrive on Tuesday and leave on Sunday. I know that probably none of us knows for sure that we will be able to go, but I wanted to snag some rooms so that we could have them when we do know for sure. So far those that have said to tag them are Rombergs, Andersons, Pinnelli, Carter, Goodson. Steve Witt is planning to go but will bring his own room. That leaves 5 more rooms available that I have reserved. Of course, you may cancel later, if necessary, since the reservation doesn’t cost anything now.

I have had a good conversation with Drew Patterson. He is looking forward to getting back to active status later in the year, but now is concentrating on his health issues.

I am told that Joyce is now in an assisted living arrangement and was somewhat the precipitator for the car sales that have now gone nicely.

We had a Board meeting on Wednesday, February 14 at which we wished each other a Happy Valentines Day, talked of many subjects and plans. Tours, membership expansion, communications within our club and with other clubs, Henry’s Birthday Bash, and other ideas were some of what occurred. One bit of knowledge we learned was that the genesis of our club came about because at other clubs, people were not quite so friendly and inclusive. We certainly want to have everyone feel included and listen to their T stories.

Bring a ‘show and tell’ to the meeting to share with the group.

Have you got an idea for a program for our club meetings? The working thought that I use is to think of something that I would like to hear about and someone from whom I would like to hear from and ask them if they would share it with us. Let your thinking cap work and bring us interesting ideas.

On a car note, I have finally gotten the ’29 Model A back together having replaced all the guts of the transmission. It only took me three times of taking the rear end back in order to get it right. I think that I have it correct now and have driven it to the service station and back successively. I next need to replace (and already have it in hand) the gasoline shut off valve under the gas tank. The old one is leaking from me taking too much material off of the valve plug trying to loosen it up.

I took the ’21 to my PT session out at Bee Cave the other day (9 miles away) and enjoyed it. After returning, I noticed a small pool of oil under the starter the next day. I have ordered and received the replacement oil seal and gaskets for the starter. Any of you who have made that change to the new seal is free to share your thoughts with me so that I may do it right the first time.

I look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening, February 21, at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White.

Tom Romberg

January 2024

CenTex Tin Lizzie Members,

Happy New Year!
Well, I hope so, for all of us.

It is going to be cold on Tuesday, but apparently dry, so I think that we can go ahead and have our meeting.

Steve Witt is going to share with us about his Santa Claus activities and perhaps the sleighs (Model T’s) that he uses.

We lost our 60 year old first daughter on Dec. 17 to cancer in Washington D.C. We were there to share a lucid day with her on Wednesday before she died on Saturday. It wasn’t easy, but her suffering has ended. We had a very good celebration of her life in Washington on the 5th and will have an Austin one on the 20th.

Several of us shared the nice service remembrance for Karen Ross last month. The club assisted with a flower arrangement.

To happier items, I have received a proposed tour route from Bill and Lynn Stephens starting in Marble Falls. Now we need to pick a date to enjoy that. I would like to accomplish 4 tours this year with good club participation. I am still trying to find out early details about the Texas T Party in Kerrville this fall so that we can register for it.

Randy reports that Joyce Shierlow is out of the hospital and back in rehab sounding much brighter. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Drew Patterson has undergone 10 hours of back surgery two weeks ago and recovering well, if slowly. He reported that he and Jennifer did a little Model T riding before Christmas and enjoyed it.

Joe’s Henry is back on the road. I look forward to his report upon the status of Henry’s new garage barndominium.

I have a show and tell about how to stop gasoline fumes on the Model T that I will share at the meeting.

On a less general note I can share about a hog trap failure also.

What is your show and tell this month?

Jan has researched that a few of you have yet to pay 2024 dues. Thank you for going ahead and making that happen.

I look forward to a report from Randy on the sale of Joyce’s cars.

I just heard from Hugh Hemphill about two items of interest. There is to be an overnight tour in Mason on April 12,13,14. He will forward the email to us. The other item is a 3 day at Kingsbury on March 15,16,17 which they are calling a Model T Olympics. More info on that will be forth coming.

If you bring $ 15.00 per family membership you can pay Treasurer Jan Donnell for 2024 dues. Thank you. We certainly would like it if you share that idea or interest.

Have you got an idea for a program for our club meetings?

I look forward to seeing you Tuesday evening, January 16, at 5:30 for supper and 7:00 for the meeting at the Catfish Parlor on Ben White.

Tom Romberg